Sangster’s Old Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Liqueur

Liqueur, No Age Statement,
30% ABV, $20

While exploring liqueurs at a smaller store in Dallas, I happened upon this bottle of Blue Mountain Coffee Liqueur that I can find little information about.  Apparently, this was distilled at the World’s End Distillery in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica using a recipe developed by the owner, Dr. Ian Sangster.  There is also a 34 proof cream liqueur version, but this is a 60 proof coffee liqueur.  Based on my brief tasting, this is distinctly Jamaican in flavor as their style of rum comes through immediately.  The coffee flavor is not as dark as Starbucks Coffee Liqueur and more of a “bright” flavor akin to Kahlua; however, the coffee flavor is much richer than Kahlua and this liqueur has a distinct alcohol burn that belies the proof statement.  The gold seal on the lower left side is hard to read, but above and below it reads, “Bristol 1978” and “London 1976.”  My thinking is that this bottle is from the late 1970’s or early 1980’s and I feel fortunate to have found it.

26 thoughts on “Sangster’s Old Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Liqueur

  1. I don’t recognize the blue bottle, but I have been looking for that rum for about 15 years since I last was able to buy it in the states.

    • This is the best coffee liqueur i’ve tasted and i wish i could get more. This week I found a matching bottle of the Blue Mountain Coffee Cream Liqueur and I hear its fantastic too. I’ll find out soon.

  2. Hi Mark – thank you for your reply. I was able to fine one a year ago in a small shop in Ft. Lauderdale and they shipped it to me. Oh well – will keep looking. Thanks again!

  3. My husband and I bought a bottle in August while on our honeymoon. The liquor is still produced, but as far as I know U.S. folks can only buy it there, which is a shame since I wish we could have brought more back with us.

  4. I have a bottle of the Blue Mountain. I have no idea how old or where obtained. Still unopened. Got it from a friend that moved and he gave me his liqueur cabinet stock. He is from that area of South America. The price tag on the cap is $160.00. Go figures. Probably not us dollars.

  5. I have a full bottle of Sangsters Blue mountain coffee liqueur in a flagon…. I have no idea of its value…. it had been sitting in an old pub for 30 or 40 years, still sealed, well looked after.

  6. We lived in Kingston, Jamaica 35 years ago and Sangster’s was first coming into production around that time. Several kinds of liqueur, but Ian Sangster’s best, in my opinion, was the Blue Mountain Coffee liqueur and the Wild Orange and Ortanique. It was produced under the name of Old Jamaica Liqueurs then. I think that since then Wray & Nephew (a big food processor group in Kingston) have since bought it out. The last bottle I saw was several years ago under their label. My guess is that Ian’s son didn’t want to keep the company going on his own. I miss this stuff. The richness of the coffee flavor in amazing. The orange flavors were quite good. The run crème I could have lived without. I’d love to know if anyone has yet started to import this to the US and, if not, why.

    • Not sure but I have a bottle that I bought in Jamaica 35 years ago. Never opened I just liked the bottle. I wonder what it would be worth now?

  7. I have just inherited what appears to be a full (or almost full) bottle of Sangsters Old Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee liqueur. Unfortunately, the cork has dried out and the top has snapped off, but otherwise intact

    Am located in the UK

    Any interest??

  8. I will open the coffee (no cream) liqueur on 21 October and let you know. I never thought there would be any mention on the internet. I underestimated the power of the internet!

    Appreciate your feedback.

    I maybe interested in selling the (empty) bottle, such an attractive blue colour. Maybe ebay would be the best platform?

  9. I can confirm it tastes really good after 30 years. Cork was very soft but all came out in pieces. Have to drink quickly now because no stopper. Or will it last till Christmas?

  10. Yes, I will make sure it lasts till Christmas. I have reached out to FB sangstersjamaicanbluemountaincoffee to share our story.

  11. I worked in a small liqueur company in Scotland many years ago and one of the jobs we got was to bottle Blue Mountain Coffee Liqueur and another called Wild Orange Liqueur. I met with Dr Sangster, a really nice guy. The bottling was done in traditional Stone Jars had lovely labels and the seal was a replica piece of eight stuck on with sealing wax and a gold cord wrapped around it. It was a strictly limited bottling run of just a couple thousand bottles of each. The liqueurs were the most delicious I have ever tasted. I emigrated to New Zealand in 1988 and about 3 years later came across one of the Blue Mountain Stone Jars for sale in a small liquor shop – I was amazed. I couldn’t resist buying it, even though I am not keen on coffee flavour anymore but my family loved it. A very high quality liqueur and seeing these images brings back lots of great memories.

  12. I have an unopened bottle of Sangsters Old Jamaica Liqueur..Blue Mountain Coffee in a cream Colored glass bottle…looks like an old crock material…

  13. Pingback: Bottle #2: Sangster's Old Jamaica Pimento Dram | my tiny bottles

  14. I have a blue bottle of the orange liquor I bought in Jamaica 38 years ago I really liked the pottery bottle. Never opened. If anyone is interested please e-mail me.

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